God Always Wins: The Triumph of a First Harvest of Corn!


Families of Believers' World Church and the Zion Children's Haven orphan home, in the midst of overwhelming poverty and persecution, can only speak to the faithfulness of God after reaching another major milestone.  The first milestone was the construction of a glorious house of worship in the midst of a huge spiritual revival, a major act of faith in dire physical circumstances.  It has been a painful wait, but the Lord moved hearts to give for His people yet again, which enabled a significant enough down-payment on a large piece of land that a planting of corn was able to be successfully harvested this year!  This has taken place in spite of a severe threat of crop loss in the final month before harvest due to abnormally rainy conditions.  We praise God for mercifully answering the prayers of His people for His Name's sake!

In spite of missed land payments, the owner will allow another planting, which is to happen imminently.
There are 12 other families who also had a share in the planting and were able to take home maize. Eleven of those families are part of the church, but the twelfth is a catholic widow with 17 children who helped with hoes during the gardening. It is a joy to see God's hand of mercy extending to those who help His people.

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